Friday, May 6, 2011

A little sad today and also a update about another Giveaway I am going to have!

I came on to my blog today and see that my followers went from 116 to 114.What did I do wrong to get 2 people to stop following. I am happy I have 114 still and can't believe it as for when I started this blog I was so happy to have 1 follower. I can't believe after my contest 2 people stopped following me. I really don't want followers that are just going to follow me and then after the contest leave. :(

THANK YOU so much for my followers who stick with me for my blog and not just follow me then stop when a giveaway is over. I wish I knew for sure what made those 2 people stop following me. 

Also I am going to be doing another giveaway soon. I was thinking of doing the giveaway when I hit 120 followers. The giveaway will be for a Sigma F80 Flat Top Synthetic Kabuki.



  1. ahh i lost a follower overnight as well!! it stinks when people leave after contests...i have noticed i have lost a few when a contest has ended!!

    havent tried that brush!!looks fab tho!

  2. awww thats so sad.
    dont worry Ashley we are still here to cheer u up .
    love reading ur blog :)

  3. Don't worry girl, there are plenty of people out there who follow blogs just for giveaways and when the giveaways end they unfollow. You don't need such people, do you? :) x

  4. awww thanks ladies its followers like you that keep me going. THANX :)
