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Left to Right: Silver liquid eyeliner, Honey Do supper glossy lip shine, Light Beige powder, Purple cream eyeliner, & Plum/Purple eyeliner and shadow stick
Wow am I so excited to try all of these. The powder, eyeliner and shadow stick, and cream eyeliner are all products I have never tried. I was so excited about the cream eyeliner and eyeliner shadow stick the most because I am really into Purple at the moment. To be honest I am still happy with the cream eyeliner and the eyeliner part of the stick. I am not so happy with the shadow part of the eyeliner and shadow stick. Why?? The color to me is more like a light brown then a light purple. So i am a little sad with that I actually thought when I swatched it the product was wrong and I had to ask OxfordJasmine to do a swatch for me. Other then that I am happy and excited to use these in a look.
If you want to see a swatch of the products leave a comment below and I will do that for you.
THANX ~Ashley~
Plum eyeliner looks nice! I think I now what's next on my wish list hehe :)